Become a paid 💰 subscriber. This Substack is a labor of love, but the coffee ☕ it takes to write the Substack ain't free. Did I mention I'm only a poor professor? Thanks! 🙏
This post is experimental. It is an AI-generated podcast with two ‘hosts’ discussing a published article on mine on the dark sides of political and legislative transparency. Sunlight ain't all good folks! There's a reason that the Founders wrote and debated the Constitution behind closed doors. This podcast is based on an article that can be found HERE.
I checked the audio for accuracy, but the level of rigor ain't great. In any case, if you would prefer to listen to audiobots — that sound like NPR hosts — discussing my work in an easy to understand and digest format, then listen away!
If subscribers like this feature, then I will add it as a regular on Uncommon Wisdom. If so, then let me know in the comments. Enjoy!
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