May 24Liked by Jimmy Alfonso Licon

Another chicken or egg philosphy... sorry, but until there are plausible, verifiable examples of existence, count me as one still waiting yet not exactly hopeful... won't get fooled again.........

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I get wanting evidence. However, the whole point of hope is that the evidence is insufficient. If one had conclusive evidence for God's existence, then there would be no need for hope, e.g., it didn't make sense to hope that the sun rose today because we already *know* that it did.

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May 25Liked by Jimmy Alfonso Licon

Yes, quite true but just as we have for centuries accepted the sun will rise in the east and set in the west as reality, not fantasy. But your point is well taken, some still believe that God was responsible and 'hope' for more fantastical occurances in the future. I hope for peace & good will for all, yet I know that it is we who will be responsible for creating it.

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